Druids, drugs & the real Britannia

Druids, drugs & the real Britannia

THOUGHTS  |  DREAMS  |   ACTION THOUGHTS   |   DREAMS   |   ACTION If we’re going to get through the next few years, we need a change of narrative so profound that our entire culture changes direction.  We need not just new stories, but a whole new shape to what...
Breaking the Legacy of Rome

Breaking the Legacy of Rome

THOUGHTS  |  DREAMS  |   ACTION THOUGHTS   |   DREAMS   |   ACTION If we’re going to get through the next few years, we need a change of narrative so profound that our entire culture changes direction.  We need not just new stories, but a whole new shape to what...
The old gods and the new

The old gods and the new

THOUGHTS  |  DREAMS  |   ACTION THOUGHTS   |   DREAMS   |   ACTION If we’re going to get through the next few years, we need a change of narrative so profound that our entire culture changes direction.  We need not just new stories, but a whole new shape to what...
The Celts, Women & Sex

The Celts, Women & Sex

THOUGHTS  |  DREAMS  |   ACTION THOUGHTS   |   DREAMS   |   ACTION If we’re going to get through the next few years, we need a change of narrative so profound that our entire culture changes direction.  We need not just new stories, but a whole new shape to what...
Mithras and the older gods

Mithras and the older gods

THOUGHTS, DREAMS & ACTION If we’re going to get through the next few years, we need a change of narrative so profound that our entire culture changes direction.  We need not just new stories, but a whole new shape to what a story is. And it will start with...
Dreaming Awake

Dreaming Awake

For thoughts, ideas and random acts of radicalism Dreaming Awake For those who have no idea what dreaming is, or are curious as to the nature of shamanic practice, the following outlines my current thinking. I’ll update or supersede it as necessary: my understanding...